Yes, it's a special announcement. As you may have seen, we feature FICTION FRIDAYS on the site. As you also may have seen, thus far we have only featured fiction from Yours Truly--simply because, hey, it's tough to launch a mag, a website, a youtube show and still get the day job done.

Which meant... you go with what you know.

But finally it's time to throw caution to the wind, and announce our first contest.

If you are an unpublished author (only because we do not want to mess with republishing rights) or a published author willing to put in writing that we have the rights to republish), then here are the rules and the... erm... consequences:

1) Keep it under 10 pages, double-spaced in New York Times font (11).

2) We are looking for a) crime fiction b) spy fiction c) literary if it is CEE-related. No fantasy, erotica or otherwise boring tripe. Unless the fantasy is really quite good. Maybe. But probably not. If it's not CEE-related, I might let it pass if you are at least from here, based here, etc.

3) Keep it clean in the sense that we will not publish x-rated material. Likewise, not hate-fiction, racist fiction, ridiculous gore, etc. Ok, violence goes with the territory. Maybe sex too, but much can be implied.

Now for the winnings...

Well, there won't be much. We'll publish you in the next hard-copy and feature you on the site. I'll probably get you a beer as well. It is what it is, but it will be published, and that might just get you discovered. Later, you can band-mouth me for being so cheap, spit and fart in my general direction, etc.

No worries. You won't be the first.

And for the rest of you--if you don't win the grand prize, we might still publish you on Fiction Fridays.

Just remember that a submission does not mean we are obliged to publish anything.

If all of that works for you, send your submission in a Word doc (no PDFs or anything else, please) to

Looking forward to it.

Yours Truly


Preston Smith


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